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7th Tradition

Donations to SoCal UA Intergroup

can be made via Paypal at


NOTE: When donating please select the "Friends and Family" option. Otherwise, PayPal will take fees from your contribution.



To ensure our fellowship’s continued health, SCUA recommends meetings donate the overflow of their Seventh Tradition as follows:

45% to the General Service Board (GSB)

45% to Southern California Intergroup via PayPal

10% to each meeting’s GSR fund
to cover Zoom registration fees
for the next GSB meeting

(and/or travel costs if meeting is offline)

If your Meeting Treasurer has made an online donation to SoCal Intergroup, your SoCal Intergroup Rep should bring that information to the monthly Intergroup Meeting, so that receipts of those 

funds can be verified.

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Every UA group in the Southern California area can be a member of SCUA Intergroup and is encouraged to send one voting representative to Intergroup meetings. Monthly meetings of SCUA Intergroup are held on the 2nd Saturday of the month from 12:15PM - 1:45PM PT. Any UA member may attend as a member-at-large. 

​Join Zoom Meeting: 

Meeting ID: 648 445 7623
Pwd: 611455

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